Monday, January 7, 2019

How Healthy is Your Gut? Take this Helpful Short Quiz Right Now!

Our gut is very important. How healthy is your gut?! Take this 10-Question Quiz to find out! PLUS get 3 Game-Changing Action Steps you can do to improve any markers that show up today. 

Gut Health Quiz

Answer the following questions based on your typical symptoms. 

1. I get bloated after meals…

1. Rarely! I feel pretty good after most meals.
2. Only on occasion. Like if I eat something out of my routine.
3. At least once per day if not more.

2. I experience heart burn/reflux symptoms or feel like I need to pop a Tums…

  1. Never
  2. Occasionally. Like after spicy Mexican food or when I eat foods like tomatoes, citrus or beans. 
  3. Daily!

3. How often do you go to the bathroom?

  1. Daily. At the same time. Like clock work
  2. Most days. Occasionally if my schedule is off or I travel I’ll skip.
  3. Who knows?! Sometimes I go days without going or I often feel constipated.

4. When you DO the doo, how would you describe your poop?

  1. Well-formed, brownish color, smooth and sausage-like.
  2. Sausage shaped, brown with lumps or cracks in the surface. 
  3. Random! Sometimes it’s loose, sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s pellets. 
  4. Sometimes it’s snake-like. I’m all over the place!
  5. Like pellets or little turds.
  6. Mushy with ragged edges!
  7. Super loose or watery! Sometimes even diarrhea like with food in it. 
  8. Light clay colored OR greasy, shiny stools. 

5. How many servings of green veggies do you eat per day?

  1. 3 or more! 
  2. About 2 most days. 
  3. Do French fries and ketchup count?

6. Within an hour after eating you usually feel…

  1. Refreshed and enlivened to get on with the day!
  2. Maybe a little bloated initially, but overall no crazy differences. 
  3. Sleepy (like I need a nap) and/or super bloated or constipated. 

7. We all pass gas! What is yours like?

  1. Not super frequent. Maybe once or twice a day.
  2. Most days. Slightly embarrassing, but no one has to clear the room (I can keep it covered up).
  3. P-U! Foul and smelly. Silent and deadly farts OR belching/burping after most meals. 

8. What foods (if any) do you notice you’re sensitive to (check all that apply):

foods you might be sensitive gut

  1. Dairy
  2. Gluten
  3. Grains
  4. Nuts
  5. Eggs
  6. FODMAPS (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, apples, avocados, onions, high amounts of fruit)
  7. Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, chili powder & spices, egg plant)

9. You often crave…

  1. No real intense cravings. I like yummy food, and enjoy it when I eat. 
  2. Occasionally I get a hankering for dessert after dinner, or a favorite meal, but
  3. Sugar, bread or starches, coffee, chocolate, cheese or any other food that you eat most days(even if you don’t feel great after)

10. I eat a “healthy” diet, and I feel…

  1. Amazing!
  2. Pretty good. Definitely different (in a good way) than life before this diet.
  3. Still have gut issues! Even though I eat ____ (paleo, vegan, AIP, etc.), I don’t get why my gut doesn’t love me back?!

11. Do you have… (Check all that apply) (If check any, they get 1 point)

  1. An autoimmune condition 
  2. Dark circles under your eyes
  3. Adult acne, skin breakouts or dry/itchy skin that peels
  4. Seasonal allergies
  5. Been diagnosed with anemia
  6. Loss of taste for meat
  7. Use over the counter medications (NSAIDs) or prescription medications regularly
  8. Drink tap water or plastic bottle water most days
  9. Pain under the right side of your ribs or abdominal cramping
  10. Significant coffee or alcohol consumption (more than 1/day)
  11. History of an eating disorder or drug/alcohol abuse
  12. Easily get sick or colds frequently 
  13. Difficulty losing weight or easily gain weight (even if you do all the right things)
  14. A sedentary lifestyle (rarely exercise, often sit at a desk, in traffic, etc.) OR Overtrain or workout a lot (more than 60-90-minutes/day most days)
  15. Less than 6 hours of sleep most nights

11. Bonus: When it comes to gut health, you feel…

  1. Like you know a lot and you do your best to love your gut.
  2. You’ve heard buzz words like “leaky gut” or “apple cider vinegar” and you try to eat “healthy,” but you’re interested in learning more
  3. In the dark: What’s the got got to do with it?!

Quiz Submit Response

Woo hoo! You finished! Thanks for taking the quiz.

Survey Says…. ______


  • 1 = Lookin’ good.

Based on your answers, your gut is on point. However, there’s always more we can do to love our gut and boost our health! Your gut is the gateway to ALL THINGS HEALTH (including your hormones, mindset, mood, skin, immunity and more). Continue to love your gut and elevate your total body wellness with these 3 Game Changers:

3 Game Changing Gut Boosters

1. Eat Bugs.

Incorporate probiotic rich foods and pre-biotic rich foods into your diet.
Aim for a serving of fermented foods daily (sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, beet kvass, grass-fed full-fat yogurt), along with a little bit of pre-biotic starchy tubers or veggies (like green-tipped plantains or bananas, cooked and cooled sweet potatoes or squashes, leeks, onions, fresh garlic, or partially hydrolyzed guar gum)

2. Get your greens on!

Only 1 in 10 Americans eats the recommended servings of 3 veggies or more per day (ESPECIALLY leafy greens!). Get your greens on girl! I love cooked greens especially! 

3. Detox (your life).

Beyond the food we eat, there are TONS of other lifestyle factors that impact how you feel (energy, hormones and brain health included).From our toxic exposure to our environment (over 85,000 toxins in our water, foods, plastics, beauty products), how long we sleep, screen time and burning a candle at both ends (i.e. saying “yes” to everything), your body ultimately desires balance!Detox 1 stressor from your life such as:

  • Replace plastics with stainless steel and glassware
  • Ditch the conventional shampoo and conditioner from Target in favor of a sulfate and paraben-free version
  • Try natural, fluoride-free toothpaste
  • Download f.lux or Nightshift on ALL your electronics; use blue blocking glasses at night; and/or rise with a sun alarm
  • Cut out 1 thing draining you and your schedule. 
  • 2 = A little squeaky.

No one is perfect and based on your answers, you have a little bit of “squeak” or imbalance going on in your gut.

The good news? You’re not too far gone.

75% of people have some sort of gut dysfunction that impacts their total body health (not just their gut). In fact, did you know that your gut health influences other things like your skin health, mood, metabolism and immunity? 

Continue to love your gut and boost your health with these 3 game changers: 

3 Game Changing Gut Boosters:

1. Boost Stomach Acid.

Add 1 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar to 2-4 oz. water around meals to boost stomach acid (necessary for healthy, complete digestion)

2. Drink Up.

Are you drinking enough water? Make sure you’re getting half your bodyweight in ounces (at least) most days of clean filtered water. Tote around a stainless steel water bottle if you need.

3. Check In.

foods good for you and your gut

Be aware of how food makes you feel. (Even healthy foods). Common gut-inflammatory foods don’t just have to be fast food or sugar. Foods like nuts, eggs, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, yogurt and rice impact a lot of people.

If you suspect a certain food may be making you feel worse or symptomatic, take it out for 7 days, then reintroduce it back in 3 days in a row. Note how you feel. 

  • 3 = Your gut needs some love!

Based on your answers, you indicated clear signs and markers of underlying gut dysfunction. And guess what? You are not alone! 3 in 4 Americans have some sort of gut imbalance, including conditions like leaky gut, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), healthy bacteria insufficiency, fungal/parasitic infection, food intolerances and/or IBS.

There is a wide array of underlying gut imbalances that can happen when our gut is unhealthy! The good news? You can heal! Knowledge is power, and there are TONS of lifestyle factors (nutrition, stress management, movement), along with support (supplements, lab testing, working with a practitioner) that can help you reset your gut and feel amazing (from the inside out). 

1. Boost Stomach Acid!

Add 1 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar to 2-4 oz. water around meals to boost stomach acid (necessary for healthy, complete digestion)

2. Ditch the Commercial Probiotics

95% of probiotics on shelves do NOT contain the probiotics they claim. This is due to heat  processing, shipping, shelf-life and non-necessary bacteria strains put into many of these “lactic acid” based probiotics. Ditch MOST commercial lactic acid probiotics in favor of Soil Based Organisms or Probiotics that not only withstand shelf-life, but are wayyyy more like the natural gut bacteria humans had in our ancestral time. Try Primal Probiotics or MegasporeBiotic, and ideally take 1 in the morning and 1 at night.

3. Heal (Don’t Just Manage)

Be aware of how food makes you feel. (Even healthy foods). Common gut-inflammatory foods don’t just have to be fast food or sugar. Foods like nuts, eggs, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, yogurt and rice impact a lot of people. If you suspect a certain food may be making you feel worse or symptomatic, take it out for 7 days, then reintroduce it back in 3 days in a row. Note how you feel. 


The post How Healthy is Your Gut? Take this Helpful Short Quiz Right Now! appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

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