Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Best Guide to Cure Constipation Naturally

Cure Constipation Naturally

Constipation got ya down? No longer. Find out how to curb and cure constipation naturally.

Pop question: How often should you go to the bathroom?

Answer: One to three times per day, of a formed, sausage-like stool—at least if you have healthy digestion.

cure constipation naturally

Unfortunately, many people experience anything BUT that—some going upwards of three times per day of loose and watery stools, others going every 2, 3 and sometimes 5 days…thinking it’s “normal.”

Bowel movements and elimination patterns are signs of a healthy or unhealthy gut.

And although your bowel patterns of loose stools, or infrequent passed stools may SEEM normal (because it’s “always been that way”) it doesn’t mean they are.

Similar to how eating Big Mac cheeseburgers is a “normal” thing to do in our society for many people (and it doesn’t mean the body was designed or wired to eat a Big Mac cheeseburger), the same thing goes for your bowels.

In short: Constipation is not normal. (And your “normal” may actually be “abnormal”).


Constipation is defined as “fewer than three bowel movements a week, or hard, dry and small bowel movements that are painful or difficult to pass.”

It is cited as the “most common digestive complaint” in the U.S., and is technically a symptom—not a disease.


Similar to bloating, the triggers of constipation are vast, and typically point back to a “digestive dysfunction” somewhere along the way.

Common causes of constipation include:

  • Low stomach acid
  • SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
  • “Leaky gut” (intestinal permeability)
  • Not eating enough
  • Low carbohydrate intake (especially roots and tubers—veggies)
  • Low fat intake
  • High protein consumption without enough carbohydrate
  • Lack of sleep
  • Overtraining
  • Sedentary lifestyle or sitting for long periods of time
  • Food intolerances
  • Medications & NSAIDS
  • FODMAP Foods (apples, mangos, sweeteners, cheese, milk, broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, onion, eggplant, beans, avocado, peaches, mushrooms, corn)
  • Grains
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, chili powder)
  • Conventional Meats & Dairy
  • Chronic Stress
  • Toxic Exposure




Most traditional doctors and Google articles on “curing constipation” will tell you to take fiber pills, medications, stool softeners, laxitives and enemas to “ease constipation.”

But there are actually MANY other natural, home remedies you can use that work (often better) than the continuation of band-aids for your constipation conundrum.

Figuring out what is driving your constipation is the first step for “hacking” constipation—are there any stressors from the list that sound familiar?

In addition, here is 10 helpful Constipation Busters to help restore your “flow”:

1. Tweak FODMAP Foods.

If you are consuming FODMAPS frequently, a lower FODMAP approach to your diet can help some folks.

Higher FODMAP foods include: Asparagus, cruciferous veggies (brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower), onions, avocado, apples, apricots, peaches, watermelon, grapes, many nuts, sweeteners (including honey),  beans, dairy, grains, coffee, chocolate, and wine.

Lower FODMAP foods include: Leafy greens, bananas, oranges, melon, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, ginger, garlic, green beans, Jasmine white rice, plantains, butter, ghee, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, fresh herbs, fish and sea food, sustainable proteins—just to name a few.

cure constipation naturally

2. Eat Enough (& Enough Carbs and Fats).

For others, often times the reason you can’t “go” is because you aren’t eating enough food to create “bulk” or you’re not eating enough carbs or fats to help push food through your digestive tract. Winter squashes, carrots, moderate cooked and cooled sweet potatoes, jasmine white rice, plantains, turnips and parsnips are all excellent real food carbs to help you “do the doo,” as is ensuring you are eating healthy fats with every meal (coconut oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, coconut butter, cold-pressed olive oil, etc.)

3. Probiotics & Probiotics.

Healthy gut bacteria to cultivate healthy gut bacteria in your colon—with plenty of “food” (prebiotics) to foster continued growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Opt for a spore-based probiotic (like Primal Probiotics or MegaSporeBiotic, along with a prebiotic powder (partially hydrolyzed guar gum), and foods (cooked and cooled sweet potatoes, green tipped bananas and plantains, garlic, leeks, onion—if tolerated, cooked and cooled winter squash)

4. Herbs, Teas & Oils.

Lots to play with here, including:

4. Essential Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium can be two game-changing activators for healthy digestion and “doing the doo.” Natural CALM is a great addition to an evening glass of water before bed for many, and Ageless Hydro-C is a one-stop-shop supplement with several of these essentials, and Thorne’s Buffered Vitamin C is another.

5. Prokinetic Supplements

Supplements that specifically fire up the gut motility mechanisms and seritonin receptors in your gut to “go.” Try:

6. Mind Over Matter.

Studies (Lee et al, 2014) show that gut-directed hynotherapy works wonders for easing IBS, constipation and other gut “issues.” The secret sauce? The power of the mind. Simply coaching yourself to “go,” and easing your tension and stress around your gut issues can be a game changer. This is a good way to cure constipation naturally.

cure constipation naturally

7. Take a Time Out.

Give yourself 10-20 minutes if you need to to do the the “doo.” Sometimes we just don’t give ourselves the chance to go.

8. Just Keep Swimming.

Regular daily movement and activity does a body good to keep bowels healthy and flowing. When we sit for long hours on end, what do you think happens to our bowels? Same thing.

9. Sleep ENOUGH.

Lack of sleep is directly correlated with elimination difficulties and constipation. If you’re shorting your sleep, you’re shorting your elimination.

10. Hydrate.

Last but certainly not least…are you drinking enough (water)? (And no, coffee, tea, soda or even artificially sweetened water does not count). Real water (perhaps sweetened with real fruit or cucumbers and mint if you like). Do you know how much you need? Half your bodyweight in ounces—each day. Most people overlook this minor game-changer that could make all the difference. This will help to cure constipation naturally.

The post The Best Guide to Cure Constipation Naturally appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on gut remedies
