Thursday, February 28, 2019

What Gut Type Are You? Discover the Truth!

You know your blood type, your body type and your skin type…but what about your gut type?

Most people are prone to one of the 5 main gut types—kind of like we are prone to being an endomorph, mesomorph or ectomorph or having oily, normal or dry skin.

The 6 Gut Types include:

  1. Stressed Gut (anxiety, type a, driven, overthinking, thyroid/hormone imbalances, adrenal)
  2. Immune Gut (leaky gut, allergies, skin problems, cancer)
  3. Gastric Gut (acid reflux, Gerd, stomach bloating)
  4. Dysbiotic Gut (yeast, SIBO, constipation)
  5. Toxic Gut (liver, gallbladder)
  6. Inflammed Gut (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, non-gut related symptoms)

Your “gut type” doesn’t necessarily mean you are stuck that way FOR LIFE. It simply is an awareness of your gut’s own predisposition when things are out of balance. Your Gut Type is a sign when things may not be 100% well underneath the hood.

Figure Out Your Gut Type

  • Type 1: Stressed Gut

Primary Symptoms: Anxiety, Insomnia, Hormone Imbalances, Constipation or Bloating

Personality & Emotional Profile: Type A or High Performing, Easily Anxious, Overthinking Things, Difficulty Sitting Still

Bad Habits: Overdoing the Coffee or Alcohol, Overtraining, Undersleeping; On phone/technology a lot (especially at night)

What It Means: If your stress hormones are constantly pumping, blood flow is diverted away from your gut, which impairs the growth of good bacteria and digestive enzyme production. Axe says those with this gut type often have adrenal fatigue, which causes sleep issues, decreased libido, and trouble focusing, among other symptoms.

Ways to Heal: Regular exercise; Phone/technology detox or limits; Supplements: Vitamin B-12, Zinc, Quality Probiotics, Adrenal Adaptogen

What to Avoid: Sugar, alcohol, coffee (more than 1 cup black drip/day), gluten & refined grains or packaged foods.

  • Type 2: Immune Gut

Primary Symptoms: Skin Problems, Autoimmune Conditions, Allergies, Low Immunity

Personality & Emotional Profile: Detail Oriented, Perfectionistic, Empath, Insecure, Easily Stressed

Bad Habits: Relying on medicines (Flonase, Benadryl, etc.), antibiotics or products to try to suppress symptoms

What It Means: Approximately 80% of your immune system is produced in your gut and your gut bacteria are responsible for “boosting” your immune function. Leaky gut and/or imbalanced gut bacteria (i.e. not enough good guys or too many “bad”) guys is a common underlying theme at play.

Ways to Heal: Autoimmune paleo or elimination diet to identify sensitivities; Bone Broth; Supplement: Quality soil-based probiotics, short chain fatty acids, liposomal curcumin & liposomal glutathione.

What to Avoid: Alcohol, sugar, nuts, eggs, nightshade spices (chili powder, paprika), conventional dairy, grains & gluten

  • Type 3: Gastric Gut

Primary Symptoms: Heartburn/GERD, Indigestion, Sense of Fullness After Meals, Bloating After Meals, Gas, Feel Hungry 1-2 Hours After Eating

Personality & Emotional Profile: Fiery, Passionate, Reactive

Bad Habits: Pop Antacids or Tums like candy, Inhale Food/Eat Fast or On the Go, Craving Carbs or Sweets

What It Means: Contrary to popular belief, indigestion and GERD or reflux are often signs of low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes and/or carbohydrate malabsorption, often associated with bacterial overgrowth—not high stomach acid.

Ways to Heal: Apple cider vinegar shots or hydrochloric acid (if not on a PPI) with meals; Supplement with digestive enzymes, soil-based probiotics and short chain fatty acids; Drink chicory tea or ginger tea; Chew your food really well and eat sitting down; Low FODMAP and/or low starch consumption (limit to 1-2 servings) while addressing the underlying root cause

What to Avoid: Processed foods, High starch consumption & grains, High FODMAPS, Industrial seed oils, Nightshades (chili powder, paprika, tomato sauce, eggplant, bell pepper)

  • Type 4: Dysbiotic Gut

Primary Symptoms: Constipation &/or Bloating, Loose or Hard Stools, Sense of Fullness After Meals, Noticeable Food Intolerances/Sensitivities, Foul or Frequent Gas, Food Cravings (sugar or same foods—low variety); Cruciferous Veggies Hard to Digest

Personality & Emotional Profile: Anxious, Obsessive, Easily Worried, Analytical

Bad Habits: Eating the Same Things, Low Water Intake,

What It Means: Imbalance of gut bacteria (either too much pathogenic bacteria or not enough good bacteria) and/or yeast overgrowth (like Candida)

Ways to Heal: Eat hydrating easy-to-digest foods (soups, stews, shredded meats, cooked veggies); Drink plenty of water; Chew your food really well; Small servings of fermented foods as tolerated; Quality probiotics, prebiotics and short-chain fatty acids; Consider anti-microbial herbs (like oregano oil) and digestive enzymes to ease symptoms; Ginger or Smooth Move Tea

What to Avoid: Sugar, High FODMAPS, Dry Foods (Nuts, Bars, Processed Foods)

  • Type 5: Toxic Gut

Primary Symptoms: Pain Under Right Rib Cage, Fatty Foods Cause Distress, Fatigue (despite sleeping); Skin Problems (Acne, Dry or Flaky Skin); Brittle Nails or Hair; Lower Bowel Gas Several Hours after Eating

Personality & Emotional Profile: Inpatient, Impulsive, Questioner & Skeptic

Bad Habits: Eating or Craving Processed or Fast Foods; Not Eating Enough Healthy Fats & Fiber; Using toxic cooking, cleaning or hygiene products; Overdoing the coffee or alcohol

What It Means: Liver and/or gallbladder inflammation may at play. Low

Ways to Heal: Eat Lots of dark leafy greens, lemon & liver loving foods (beets, organ meats, pickled and fermented veggies); Digestive enzymes and bile acids (ox bile or Beta TCP), Drink dandelion or milk thistle tea; Get more sleep; Meditate

What to Avoid: Greasy, fatty processed foods; Extremes (super low fat, Standard American diets or super low carb diets); Conventional meats and dairy; Grains and gluten

  • Type 6: Inflammed Gut

Primary Symptoms: Often Non-Gut Symptom Related (High Cholesterol, Thyroid Imbalances, Brain Fog, Blood Sugar Imbalances, High Blood Pressure, Difficulty Losing Weight or Building Muscle, Sweat Easily)

Personality & Emotional Profile: Not always connected to how they feel (physically or emotionally), Stubborn, Independent

Bad Habits: Eating fast, Eating Anything, Sometimes forgetting to take breaks/Relax, Eating sweets or one too many coffees, Skipping meals

What It Means: Inflammation in the gut can extend to body regions beyond just the gut. Since your gut is responsible for fighting the stress response and inflammation, when inflammation is high inside, it suppresses your body’s ability to fight and can also trigger a release of circulating Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from gut bacteria into your bloodstream— endotoxins that “switch” for systemic inflammation.

Ways to Heal: Eat lots of anti-inflammatory foods (dark leafy greens, berries, turmeric, lemon ginger, pickled and fermented veggies, bone broth, celery juice, wild caught salmon); Apple cider vinegar shots; Supplement with Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil, Liposomal Curcumin and Short Chain Fatty Acids;  Drink ginger or green tea; Get enough sleep and vary your exercise

What to Avoid: Gluten, Processed foods, Industrial seed oils (canola, grapeseed, vegetable) especially out at restaurants and takeout.

Digging Deeper

Knowing your gut type can help you better take your health into your own hands—no matter what comes your way! However, if you’re interested in digging deeper, or figuring out the best supplements, foods and lifestyle game changers for you, consider booking a consult with functional medicine practitioner.

The post What Gut Type Are You? Discover the Truth! appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

Monday, February 25, 2019

Things You Need To Know About The Dangers of Calcium Supplementation

Calcium is an essential part of bones and teeth. It is also important for the heart, nerves, and blood-clotting systems.

Pop question: What mineral do you need to “build strong bones?”

Your doctor’s answer: Calcium!

Where do you get it?

Your doctor’s answer: Milk, cheese, yogurt and supplements.

milk in glasses almond sources of calcium

Calcium is one of the top prescribed supplements by doctors—particularly for women to prevent osteoporosis.

And, since the early 90’s, and the big “Got Milk?” (1993) and “3-a-Day” Dairy (2003) campaigns, we’ve been told to up our dairy consumption because we’re “deficient in calcium.”

But…you haven’t heard the whole truth. Calcium supplementation and dairy consumption are NOT the ideal ways to build strong bones.

Here’s why:


You’ve seen them on commercials, grocery store shelves or ads in magazines: Multi-vitamins WITH calcium, cereal and yogurt enhanced WITH calcium, caramel calcium chews to prevent osteoporosis—calcium supplements are prescribed about as often as Vitamin C for a cold, particularly for women.

However, not so fast—research shows that calcium supplementation has a dark side:

1.) Supplemental calcium increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart-attacks, and;

2.) Calcium supplementation doesn’t reduce fracture rates (it actually may increase them).

Calcium supplements “calcify” (harden) our bones and other tissues—like our arteries. You want soft and pliable arteries, not hard arteries; thus, when we have excess supplemental calcium circulating in our body, it “calcifies” our cardiovascular system.

One study (Kuanrong et al, 2012) of 24,000 men and women ages 34 to 65, found that those who supplemented with calcium had a 139 percent higher risk of heart attack versus those whose calcium intake came from food who had no change in risk. A meta-analysis of 15 different studies, which confirmed the same thing: higher risk of heart attack in those who took a calcium supplement. (Boland et al, 2010), and most recently, an analysis analysis of 100 000 65-year-old women taking 1000 mg calcium every day,found that as many as 5917 heart attacks and 4373 strokes could be caused (Revdal, 2016).

As for the fracture case, due to the highly unabsorbed amount of calcium from supplements and foods,your bones are simply not getting what they need from calcium pills or cleverly marketed foods alone.

One study (Bolland, 2015) said that additional calcium increased bone mineral density by only 1 to 2 percent, which was “unlikely to lead to a clinically meaningful reduction in risk of fracture.” A second study analyzed by Bolland, contained 59 controlled trials, the majority of which focused on calcium supplements. Again, researchers using this data concluded that the extra calcium did not lower the risk of bone fractures. Other re-views of the literature have found that it may enhance bone density but does not provide protection from fracture. Other reviews of the literature have demonstrated that it improves bone density but does not provide protection from fracture.


Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 are essential for calcium absorption. You can be taking or eating all of it in the world, but if you are low in either of these Vitamins, you will run into calcium deficiency or malabsorption every time. Vitamin D—aka the “sunshine” vitamin—is ideally derived from 30-60 minutes of sunlight exposure (even by a window) most days, and can also be found in a supplement (Recommended: between 1,000 and 4,000 IU per day, depending on your deficiency status).

Vitamin K2 is also most readily found in supplement form, with a baseline of about 30 to 45 mg as a “nutritional therapy dose”—and it’s safe to take with no adverse side effects noted in literature.

Protein deficiency can also inhibit calcium absorption, as can a lack in other calcium co-factors—minerals that promote the homeostasis of this mineral in the body—including magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and hydrochloric acid (stomach acid).


Speaking of stomach acid—without it, digestion suffers. Most people (about 3 in 4) have some sort of GI dysfunction or symptom (gas, bloating, skin breakouts, allergies, GERD, etc.). The problem with most conventional dairy is that it is highly processed, and contains high amounts additives and/or sugars (yogurt, ice cream, fat free dairy) and lactose—most human guts do not contain the appropriate amount of the enzyme lactase to digest lactose in the first place.

So even though you may be eating dairy, you are probably not absorbing it.

(The better option? The REAL thing. Full-fat, grass-fed dairy is naturally LOW in difficult-to-digest lactose and is NOT processed like your fat-free, low-fat and fake cheese products. Find a natural grocer or farmer for organic, grass-fed, full-fat milk, cheese and yogurt if dairy is your thing, OR find your substitutes for dairy-free products like:

• Coconut Yogurt
• Coconut, Almond or Cashew Milk (carageenan free)
• Nutritional Yeast (cheese)


You’ve heard and seen the campaigns before.

fish lemon and sauce on the plate calcium

Unfortunately, the “Got Milk?” and “3-a-day” campaigns were spurred on, not to help you improve your health, but instead sell more milk cartons, cheese and yogurt (while maybe under the false pretense that you were improving your health). Since then we’ve learned all the above re-search, and realize, “You can’t believe everything you always hear.”

Instead of falling for the food industry’s keen marketing skills, why not get it in from the real deal—absorbable forms of calcium for your baseline of 600-800 mg/day (given you are getting in an appropriate amount of protein, Vitamin D3-supplements and sunshine and Vitamin K2–supplements).

Here are some of the best foods to reach for (the real deal) instead of the false claims:

  • Sesame Seeds—1/2 cup – 351 mg
  • Sardines—1 can, 351 mg
  • Collard Greens—1 cup, 268 mg
  • Kale-1 cup, 190 mg
  • Yogurt—1 cup, 452 mg
  • Spinach- 1 cup, 245 mg
  • Bok Choy, 1 cup- 80 mg
  • Turnip Greens, 1 cup-100 mg
  • Seaweed, 1 cup-126 mg
  • Canned Wild Salmon (with bones is a bonus)—3 oz., 188 mg
  • Salmon, Sockeye, 3 oz.-450 mg
  • Tuna fish, canned in water, 3 oz.- 154 mg
  • Beet Greens- 1 cup, 165 mg
  • Milk— 1/2 cup, 138 mg
  • Cabbage—1 cup, 63 mg
  • Broccoli—1 cup, 62 mg
  • Brussels Sprouts—1 cup, 56 mg
  • Orange- 1, 65 mg
  • Asparagus—1 cup, 41 mg
  • Grass-fed Full Fat Raw Cheese- 228 mg
  • Unsweetened almond milk-451 mg
  • Beans & Lentils, 1/2 cup- 90-120 mg
  • Chia Seeds, 1 tbsp.- 126 mg
  • Grass-fed Whey Protein, 1 scoop-200 mg
  • Figs, 8-107 mg
  • Almonds, 1 oz.-72 mg
  • Fermented Tofu, 1/2 cup-860 mg
  • Blackstrap Molasses, 1 tbsp.-172 mg


Bonus Thrive Tip:

Make sure you’re digesting your supplements and foods you eat in the first place with a quality probiotic, HCL or Apple Cider vinegar with meals and digestive enzymes (as needed) to help you get the biggest bang from your nutrition buck.

The bottom line?

Ditch the Calcium Supplements in favor of real (whole) foods, digestive wellness and calcium co-factors (like Vitamin D, K2, Vitamin A in cod liver oil and Magnesium).

The post Things You Need To Know About The Dangers of Calcium Supplementation appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

39 Awesome Foods with Digestive Enzymes to Boost Your Gut Health

Bloating, constipation, skin breakouts or allergies gotcha down? It could be due to lack of natural digestive enzymes.

woman in front piano thinking about digestive enzymes

Your gut is home not only to tons of bacteria (about 100 trillion to be exact—10 times more bacteria than cells in your body), but also home to thousands upon thousands of enzymes (you have approximately 1300 digestive and metabolic enzymes in one human cell alone).

What do digestive enzymes do?

Digestive enzymes help break your food down into nutrients so that your body can absorb them. Different enzymes are found throughout the digestive system—from the saliva in your mouth, to your stomach and pancreas.

The Natural Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are classified into 3 main types:

  • Protein specific (protease): Like pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, bromelain, papain
  • Carbohydrate specific (amylase): Including lactase (for milk), sucrase (complex starches), maltase
  • Fat specific (lipase)

In addition, there are tons of other components that act like enzymes for nutrient absorption and/or help activate enzymes in the body, such as: Betaine HCL (increases stomach acid), bile (helps further break down fat), fructooligosaccharides and other pre-biotic sugars (help support the growth of friendly intestinal microbes, also inhibits the growth of harmful species).

How are digestive enzymes different from gut bacteria?

Food has to be broken down from things like chicken and spinach into its nutrient pieces: amino acids (from proteins), fatty acids and cholesterol (from fats), and glucose or sugars (from carbohydrates), as well as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This is the role of digestive enzymes.

Gut bacteria also assist in the digestion of our food, but unlike enzymes that specifically play a role in breaking down food into nutrients, your gut bacteria determine how those enzymes work and how your nutrients are used in the body. Gut bacteria also dictate all the metabolic processes of digestion, elimination, immunity, inflammation and detoxification.

woman getting sick lacks digestive enzymes

What happens if we don’t have enough digestive enzymes?

You can’t break your food down as well and you don’t absorb your nutrients. Without sufficient amounts of digestive enzymes.

How do digestive enzyme deficiencies happen?

A number of triggers may cause digestive enzyme deficiencies such as:

  • Gut infections (bacterial overgrowth, parasites, etc.)
  • Chronic stress (without relief, mentally or physically)
  • Lack of sleep
  • Lack of water
  • Poor quality diet and foods
  • Nutrient deficiencies (eating the same things every day)
  • Lack of fermentable fibers (fermented foods) and prebiotic foods
  • Food allergies

  • Aging
  • Leaky gut
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Low stomach acid
  • Eating on the go
  • Not chewing your food enough
  • Toxic exposure (beauty, cleaning, hygiene, food supplies)
  • Antibiotic or long term medication use
  • Poor food hygiene (eating older food, not cleaning your hands properly)
  • Eating out often (industrial seed oils)

How do I know if I don’t have enough digestive enzymes?

Signs and symptoms are the best measure of your digestive function. However, sometimes you don’t realize how poor your digestion is because low enzyme function or unhealthy bacteria have been part of your health journey for a long time. Nevertheless, common signs of enzyme deficiency include:

  • Bloating after meals
  • Constipation
  • Skin breakouts
  • Allergies
  • Low immunity
  • Abdominal cramps/pain
  • GERD or heartburn

  • Needing laxatives, Gas-X or Tums often
  • IBS
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Hormone dysfunction
  • Autoimmune disease


What can I do to restore my digestive enzymes?

lemon water on the table to restore digestive enzymes

You don’t have to be stuck with low digestive enzyme function or other gut issues forever.

Here are 6 simple steps you can take now include:

1. Drink Water.

Ensure you are drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water each day. Add lemon to boost your intake.

2. Get Your Beauty Sleep.

Our gut lining repairs as we sleep—aim for 7-9 hours each night.

3. Ditch Stress.

Chronic stress wreaks havoc on our gut repair and healthy digestive function. Our gut desires to be in “parasympathetic mode’ (rest and digest) for optimal function. Stress goes far beyond mental—it includes circadian rhythm dysfunction (staying up too late; eating at off times; shift work); over screen exposure; sedentary lifestyles; overtraining or under-training; nutrient deficiencies—just to name a few things.

4. Boost Stomach Acid.

Low stomach acid is a top driver of gut dysfunction. Stomach acid is essential for helping break food down from the start so your enzymes can go to work—but don’t have to work on over drive (if you don’t have enough stomach acid, your enzymes have ALOT more work to do). Boost stomach acid by adding 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to water with meals, and/or consider HCL supplementation (a supplement of hydrochloric acid with pepsin + Betaine mimics the stomach acid found naturally in your gut).

If currently taking a PPI drug, NSAIDs or pregnant, HCL is not advised until these are not the case; consult with your doctor or a practitioner about transitioning to a more natural version of stomach acid support.

5. Supplement Smart.

Take a daily soil based probiotic, prebiotic and digestive enzyme supplements to boost your natural production. These are like the “multivitamins” of supplements—the only essentials you need to absorb your nutrients and other supplements (if you take any) in the first place. Over time, you may find you can ween off digestive enzymes, but to start, taking 1-2 capsules with meals will make a tremendous amount of difference—given you go with a quality brand.

How do I know what digestive enzymes to buy?!

Buying cheap supplements is typically always a waste of money—you’ll almost never going to get the benefits you’re looking for.  Look for brands that have multiple strains of enzymes (not just one), along with numbers of how many strains are in each one (you don’t just want a generic “proprietary blend”), and a fair price.

No, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on digestive enzymes, but that $10-$20 bottle at Whole Foods or Costco probably won’t cut it either. A few of my faves from reputable, pharmaceutical grade companies include:

Transformation Enzymes: Digest, CarboG (if you eat starches or fruits often)
Designs for Health: Digestzymes
Biotics: Intezeyme Forte

Experiment for yourself. You will feel the difference when you find the right enzyme for you.

6. Eat Foods with Natural Digestive Enzymes

Let food be thy medicine. Here are the top natural sources of digestive enzymes you can find in foods. Opt for 1-2 servings of digestive enzyme support foods daily:

  • Avocado
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Grass-fed Yogurt or Coconut Yogurt
  • Coconut Aminos
  • Green-Tipped Bananas
  • Pickled Cucumbers
  • Papaya
  • Mangos
  • Raw Honey

  • Pineapple
  • Figs
  • Kiwi
  • Grapes
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Coconut Oil
  • Bee Pollen
  • Cucumber
  • Cantaloupe


Other digestion-boosting foods that stimulate digestive enzymes include:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Bone Broth
  • Lemon & Lime
  • Artichokes
  • Dark Leafy Greens
  • Cruciferous Veggies: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts (if not sensitive)
  • Prebiotic Foods: Cooked & Cooled Potatoes, Green Plantains, Onion

  • Chia Seeds
  • Grass-fed Ghee
  • Wild Caught Fatty Fish & Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil
  • Oregano
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Organic Organ Meats
  • Cilantro
  • Steamed Beets
  • Fennel


The post 39 Awesome Foods with Digestive Enzymes to Boost Your Gut Health appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Best Ways to Get Clear Skin Naturally

Get clear skin with these easy-to-do steps and learn more.

Feel self-conscious about your face that you often mistaken for a 14-year-old girl going through puberty (again)?

You are not alone. 50-percent of adult women and 25- percent of adult men have acne at some point in their adult lives.

Acne and skin conditions are directly related to your gut health, and generally an autoimmune or inflammatory reaction, letting you know something is going on inside

In addition, your skin eats what you eat and also what you put on it.

If you’re using products with foreign chemicals and unwanted toxins, your body (and gut) can get stressed out—and pimples will let you know all about it.

Never fear though! Your Natural Beauty & Clear Skin Arsenal is here.

Clear your skin with a few of these slight edges (Bonus: If you have allergies, these remedies will help too):

Beauty Foods to Get Clear Skin

  • Beets
  • Berries
  • Butternut Squash
  • Chia Seeds
  • Coconut Kefir
  • Coconut Oil
  • Collagen & Gelatin
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Fermented Foods
  • Pomegranate
  • Leafy Greens
  • Pastured, Organic & Sustainably Raised Meats (not conventional)
  • Kefir (Goats Milk, Coconut, Water)
  • Pumpkin
  • Organ Meats
  • Pastured Egg Yolks
  • Raw Almonds
  • Spirulina
  • Walnuts
  • Wild-Caught Fatty Fish (Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Sardines)


Dairy, grains, corn, soy, sugar, legumes, hydrogenated vegetable oils

Nutrient & Vitamin Boosters

  • Take Apple Cider Vinegar

1 tbsp. in 2-4 oz. of water 2-3 times each day to boost the natural acidity of your GI system.

  • Herbal Antihistamines

Fights against histamine response in your gut.

Try: HistoPlex (Biotics), HistaEaze (Designs for Health), Quercenase (Thorne)

  • Vitamin A

Promotes new cells and healthy immunity
Deficiency Signs: Rough, dry Skin

Find in: Cod Liver Oil (1-2 tsp/day), Liver, Kidney, Other Organ Meats, Grass-Fed Dairy, Carrots, Bell Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, Dark Leafy Greens, Winter Squash, Cantaloupe

  • Vitamin C

Essential for healthy collagen in skin (helps protect against wrinkles and keratinization-hardening of skin)

Find In: Spinach & other dark Leafy greens, Citrus fruits, Bell Peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, Strawberries, Supplements

Recommended: Ultra Potent C

hand holding shrimp loaded with zinc for clear skin

  • Zinc

Promotes good skin immunity and wound healing, as well as protects against UV radiation and inflammation

Find In: Spinach, Shellfish (Shrimp, Oysters), Grass-Fed Bison & Beef, Flax Seeds, Kidney Beans, Pastured Egg Yolks, Wild-Caught Salmon, Pastured Turkey, Organic Chicken, Cocoa powder, Supplement (10-15 mg/day)

Recommended: Zinc A.G.

  • Change up the skin care and hygiene products you buy.

Throw out any conventional products with parabens, sulfates and other toxic chemicals. Putting chemicals on your body will limit your skin’s natural healing processes.

Instead try: Magestically Made, Beauty Counter, Skin Foodie, FatCo, The Dirt, Primal Life Organics.

Make Your Own Homemade Skincare!

  • Coconut Oil. Use coconut oil on both your skin and hair to help cleanse, moisturize, remove makeup, heal wounds or scars quicker, and prevent razor burn.
  • Tea Tree Oil. Fight breakouts, redness and inflammation on the skin.
  • Jojoba Oil. Natural moisturizer.
  • Avocado & Avocado Oil. Vitamins A, D and E penetrate the skin.
  • Sea Salt. Protects, tightens and restores skin.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. Kills pathogens (like bacteria) and clears up skin problems caused by gut issues.
  • Raw Honey. Reduces breakouts, moistures moisturizing properties, assists wound healing, fights off allergies or rashes, and antiseptic properties help reduce scars.
  • Other Moisturizing Agents; Shea Butter, Aloe, Almond Oil, Argan Oil, Lemon Oil.

Lifestyle Boosters

• Drink your water plus some. Make sure you’re getting enough.
• Cut out coffee and caffeine for 30 days.
• Get your beauty sleep. Remember 7-9 hours/night is ideal
• Move your body daily. But don’t overdo it (also equally a stressor)

The post The Best Ways to Get Clear Skin Naturally appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **

Friday, February 15, 2019

The Ultimate Supplement Guide: How Not to Waste Your Money

This supplement guide will provide reasons why you should take supplements regularly.

Go-To Supplement List

What are the best supplements to take? 

It’s a common question I am asked by clients, looking to maximize their health. 

Many people have no idea about what the best supplements are to take, so they simply consult Doctor Google for suggestions to “cure” a cold, allergies or constipation—only to find hundreds of different recommendations for products they should try. 

They order it. Take it, and…sometimes it works. Often times it doesn’t or they have no clue if it’s really making a difference at all. 

Be warned: NOT all supplements are created equal. 

If you’ve ever wondered if you’re wasting your money or not, look no further. In this article on the best supplements to take, we will review:

  1. What Makes a Supplement “Bad” or Good in the First Place
  2. The Worst Supplements (NOT to Take)
  3. The Best Healing & Maintenance Supplements 

Bad vs. Good Supplements: The Supplement Guide


The supplement industry is overwhelmingly filled with hundreds of thousands of products that are unregulated by the FDA. 

Americans spend more than $30 billion on supplements every year—from products on Amazon to diet shakes and bars and fitness enhancements—looking to enhance their health, see “fast results” or perhaps out-supplement the pizza and cocktails they’d prefer to eat instead. 

While some of these formulas are legit, a vast majority are NOT, and you may very well be pooping out those vitamins you spent $50 bucks on Amazon, or wondering if your supplements are actually working. 

Additionally, many vitamins and other supplements simply degrade and lose effectiveness when exposed to excessive heat, light, oxygen in the air, or humidity during shipping and processing alone. 

So should you even take supplements at all?!  Stick with me. 

There are definitely some legit formulas out there, BUT for starters, here’s what you should know about what NOT to take….


  • Fish Oil Goes Rancid

The vast majority of fish oil supplements on shelves don’t contain the health benefits they claim (Wang et al, 2016) —as many of the formulas go “rancid” in high heat conditions. 

  • Vitamin D Marketing is Hype

That Vitamin D you’re taking may actually be toxic to your health. Especially if you actually aren’t deficient in the vitamin at all. Many people take the supplement for years after an initial diagnosis of “low Vitamin D”—only to later find out they are “overloaded” with it or their body didn’t actually need it in the first place (they were actually deficient in Parathyroid Hormone—not Vitamin D (Abrams et al, 2005). 

  • You Pee Out Your Multi-Vitamins

Multi-vitamins may make you FEEL “healthier” because you’re taking a pill with “everything” in it—but many of the nutrients are useless. For instance, Folic Acid in multi-vitamins is the non-absorbable version of Folate (Powers, 2007), and is toxic to your body (Troen et al, 2006). And calcium may  be doing your body more harm than good as it is related to increased risk for “calcification” of your arteries and blood vessels (Lutsey & Michos, 2013). As for the claims that you need a multi-vitamin to “prevent” disease? Bunk. A study (Neuhouser et al, 2009) of 160,000 women taking a multi-vitamin found that “multivitamins failed to prevent cancer, heart disease, and all causes of death for all women. Whether the women were healthy eaters or ate very few fruits and vegetables, the results were the same.”

  • Iron Supplements Are Dangerous

Low in iron? Your doc may tell you to take an iron supplement, however if you are actually low in Vitamin B or Vitamin A, you may actually NOT be deficient in iron, even if it shows up on your blood work (Allen, 2002) & (Bhardwaj et al, 2015). In addition, if you have digestive issues and low stomach acid, you’re more at risk for ALL nutrient deficiencies. Fix the gut health and you may see iron levels and other labels normalize. Taking iron supplements if unnecessary can send your iron levels overboard.

  • Most Probiotics Contain Probiotics You Don’t Need

Most supplemental probiotics contain lactic acid bacteria—strains of bacteria most human microbiomes are sufficient in (sometimes even “overgrown” with)—and we don’t need. In addition, lactic acid bacterial formulas have a greater risk of being destroyed during processing and as a result, by the time they get to the capsule or bottle, there’s barely any—if anything—left to house your gut.

A review of 7 studies with more than 1300 citations showed that the use of these popular lactic acid strains made no significant difference on the composition of fecal (poop) bacteria health (Kristensen et al, 2016). Another study showed that 15 out of 16 probiotics on shelves did not contain the probiotics they claimed on the label. (Lewis et al, 2016).

Many products make claims regarding the number of organisms in the product, but these typically refer to the numbers at the time of manufacture, which can be very different from the amount still viable at the time of purchase. Exposure to heat, moisture and oxygen can all negatively affect survival of probiotics. (Kolacek et al, 2017).

  • Your Protein Powder Doesn’t Really Have Protein

Your favorite protein powder may not actually have any of the protein the label claims at all. Many commercial products on shelves are stocked with additives, filler proteins and chemicals your body doesn’t recognize as “food” and that cause ill side effects—like “leaky gut,” bloating, and constipation. 

…Just to name a few studies.


Beyond the studies, revealing the downsides of some supplements, it’s also vital to recognize that even with “necessary” vitamins and minerals (such as Vitamin C if you catch a cold or digestive enzymes to ease digestion), NOT all formulas are the same. 

Avoid these 3 things:

  1. Waxy, Shiny Capsules
    Some companies coat supplements with shellac, wax, and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, to keep the moisture out so the pills have a longer shelf life. While this may be good for preservation, it is not good for you. These coatings can decrease the solubility of a multivitamin tablet or capsule, reducing its ability to readily disintegrate.
  2. Sugar
    If your supplement has sugar, corn syrup solids, artificial sweeteners or high-fructose corn syrup…run. Far away. Sugar + vitamins is not the medicine you need.
  3. Fillers & Additives
    Similar to the sugar conundrum, many supplements contain binders and fillers to make the ingredients stick together. The result? Poor disintegration rates for tablets (pills) and capsules in your gut and digestive irritation. 


In an ideal world, we’d be able to get all of our nutrients from the foods we eat. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.  Only 1 in 10 Americans eat the recommended number of veggies (3) and fruits (2) every day. 

Not to mention the fact, that even if you do eat your fruits and veggies, many of them are laden with pesticides and chemicals that are not best for our bodies. In addition, our meat and protein sources run a wide gamut. Sustainable proteins are best—reaching for pastured, organic, grass-fed and wild-caught sources as much as possible.

The solution? 

Supplements can help fill the gaps from any nutrient deficiencies we may encounter, as well as help support our overall health as “healing agents” during times of body imbalance. 

Which ones should you take?

There are 2 types of supplements I “prescribe” for clients looking for the right formulas:

  1. Healing Supplements 
  2. Maintenance Supplements

The goal? NOT to remain on TONS of supplements forever. 

  • Healing Supplements=Short Term
    Use “Healing” Supplements as short-term solutions for helping bridge the gap to better health, such as taking Oregano Oil when you catch a cold, or Anti-Microbial Herbs to get rid of unhealthy gut bacteria.Maintenance Supplements=Boost Nutrients in Foods

As for Maintenance supplement guide, I recommend a few staple baselines, like a Probiotic and Pre-biotic, just like I recommend drinking water and eating lots of veggies, proteins and healthy fats, to maximize your digestion and the nutrients you get from the foods you eat. 


How to know which ones to use and when?This is your ultimate supplement guide!

Use these 4 essential guiding principles to help you rule out what to take and not take. 

  1. Consume nutrients from real, whole foods as much as possible.
  2. Focus on maximizing digestion and gut health. If your gut is unhealthy or “leaky” then you’re not going to absorb your nutrients or vitamins in the first place. (If anything, these are the supplements where I invest my money).
  3. Take nutrients that you are deficient in in their naturally occurring form (as opposed to in shakes, multi-vitamins or fortified foods)
  4. Be picky with what you take. (The cheaper deal is not always the better deal for your body, and instead of asking Doctor Google what to take, consider working with a practitioner to get a custom supplement plan built for your body if you’re interested in hacking your health)


So, now the big question: Which specific supplements are a waste and which ones are must? Use this as your supplement guide.

Here’s a hit list of some of my top go-tos:


Beneficial supplements and herbs for times of imbalance. (i.e. these are not “all the time”) 

Probiotics & Prebiotics


Best probiotics for constipation:

Best probiotics for diarrhea/loose stools



Cod Liver Oil

 Essential Oils Forget the Vix Vapor Rub, reach for one of these these essential aromatherapy oils instead. Add 4-5 drops of your oil of choice to a diffuser, and turn it up:

  • Lemon
  • Peppermint 
  • Basil
  • Eucalyptaus 
  • Lavender

Allergy Combo: Make a mix with peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender oil. 


Herbal Antihistamine


Liposomal Curcumin

Oregano Oil


Emulsified Oregano Oil Capsules

True Tonic




Blood Sugar Balance


Cod Liver Oil  



Gluco-Supreme (Designs for Health) 

(USE PRACTITIONER CODE: LAURYNLAX at checkout) Balance blood sugar to balance cortisol, and consequently hormones if you have blood sugar imbalances as well.


Metabolic Synergy (Designs for Health)

(USE PRACTITIONER CODE: LAURYNLAX at checkout) Balance blood sugar to balance cortisol, and consequently hormones if you have blood sugar imbalances as well. 



Vitamin D (test your levels before taking)

Designs for Health, D Supreme


Oregano Oil 

An essential oil that is considered to be antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiviral and immune stimulating. Like the fresh herb, Buy as an essential oil and dilute 1 drop with 1 drop coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil and take under the tongue.  To get the full benefits of oregano oil, use a dosage of 50-100 mg oregano oil 4x per day.

Castor Oil

The “windex” of all things wellness, castor oil has the ability to “speed up” healing by increasing white blood cells and the count of T-11 cells (a type of special white blood cells that act like antibodies) produced within the body’s lymphocytes that help kill viruses, fungi, bacteria and cancer cells. Rub the oil  on pulse and sinus points, and the back of the neck.


A natural anti-inflammatory agent for calming the inflammatory response in the body. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-viral and anti-fungal. Use a Liposomal  Curcumin for a supplement formula, or add turmeric spice to recipes, like Turmeric Tea,

Vitamin C

Absorbic acid, of Vitamin C, has long been touted as an “immune booster.” Add a little more to the diet through citrus, strawberries and spinach during illness, and short term supplementation via 1000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C (Empirical Labs, Seeking Health Liposomal formulas are more absorbable. 


An essential oil and food linked to decreased cold and flu duration due to antibacterial and anti-infectious qualities. Use organic dried black elderberries (1, 2 to consume whole, or make a homemade syrup.

Cortisol & Hormone Imbalances (“Adrenal Fatigue” to PMS)

Women’s Power House: EstroFactors

Women’s support formula for balancing estrogen and progesterone. 

Balance Cortisol: Gaia Adrenal Support HPA Balance (Vital Plan): Minimize cortisol to support healthy hormones. 

Gluco-Supreme (Designs for Health)

(USE PRACTITIONER CODE: LAURYNLAX at checkout) Balance blood sugar to balance cortisol, and consequently hormones if you have blood sugar imbalances as well.

Metabolic Synergy (Designs for Health)

(USE PRACTITIONER CODE: LAURYNLAX at checkout) Balance blood sugar to balance cortisol, and consequently hormones if you have blood sugar imbalances as well. 

Kavinace (Neuroscience) Calms stress and high cortisol signals to the brain and hormones during that time of the month and beyond. 

Phosphatidylserine PS (Use code LAURYNLAX) to checkout. 

Vital Adapt. For “low” cortisol and fatigue symptoms. Contains eleuthero, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, cordyceps, reishi, ginseng, and licorice.

Dysbiosis/Fungal Overgrowth

Activated Charcoal

Integrative Therapeutics

Anti-Biofilm Enzymes

Interfase Plus

Botantical Herbs (Anti-microbials)

Candida AR

Candida BR


GI Synergy (Apex) * Must order through a practitioner


Dysbiocide (Biotics)

FC Cidal (Biotics)

Digestive Enzymes

DigesteZymes Digestezyme


Carbo G

Emulsified Oregano Oil

ADP by Biotics: 


Metagest by Metagenics 



Ox Bile

Beta Plus by Biotics (1 with each meal)


Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum  


Primal Probiotics 



Atrantil. Distills methane gas production.

Allicin (Garlic).
GarliActive by Pure Encapsulations. 

Digestive Enzymes.
Digest by Transformation Enzymes. 

Carbo-G (if you are sensitive to carbohydrates)  

Beta TCP  (if you are sensitive to eating fats—even healthy ones).

Essential Oils Peppermint, Fennel, & Chamomile.

Hydrochloric Acid or Apple Cider Vinegar.
Metagest by Metagenics. 

Ginger. A natural de-bloating effect. 

Ginger Pro by Thorne Research or Ginger Extract 

Liposomal Curcumin

Empirical Labs Liposomal Curcumin 


Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum  


Soil based, like Primal Probiotics 


Aloe Latex Capsules. A natural laxative effect. Cape Aloe

Dandelion & Licorice Root Smooth Move tea. Dandelion tea 


Bitter Herbs: 

AFNG (Byron White)

Digest (Standard Process) 


Natural Calm. Magnesium Citrate plus Calcium relaxes digestive muscles.

GI Renew (Designs for Health). A blend or herbals to support elimination.


Ozonated Magnesium (NOW) 

Magnesium Glycinate (Pure Encapsulations) 

Magnesium Citrate (Natural Calm) 


IB Guard 

Prebiotics (see complete list at beginning)

Especially Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum  


Best probiotics for constipation:

Soil-based organisms (Prescript- Assist, Primal Probiotics, Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra, ProBiome Rx 

Leaky Gut

Transient commensals, like MegaSporeBiotic

E. coli Nissle ( Mutaflor

Lactobacillus plantarum (Jarrow

Bifidobacteria infantis Align

Prokinetic: MotilPro by Pure Encapsulations. 

Vitamin-Electrolyte Blends Ageless Hydro-C 


HCL Tablets (Metagest)


GI Revive

Designs for Health (use code DRLAURYNLAX to check out)

Gastro Mend

Designs for Health

(use code DRLAURYNLAX to check out)


Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum

Soil Based Probiotics
Primal Probiotics

IBS-C (Constipation)

Antimicrobial Herbal Supplements.
Biotics: FC Cidal + Dysbiocide, 

Apex: GI Synergy, 

Metagenics: Candida BR + Candida AR

Bitter Herbs: 

AFNG (Byron White)

Digest (Standard Process) 


Natural Calm. Magnesium Citrate plus Calcium relaxes digestive muscles.

GI Renew (Designs for Health). A blend or herbals to support elimination.


Ozonated Magnesium (NOW) 

Magnesium Glycinate (Pure Encapsulations) 

Magnesium Citrate (Natural Calm) 

Ox Bile. Liver support. Beta Plus or Bilemin 


IB Guard 


Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum 


Best probiotics for constipation:

Soil-based organisms (Prescript- Assist, Primal Probiotics, Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra, ProBiome Rx 

Leaky Gut

Transient commensals, like MegaSporeBiotic

E. coli Nissle ( Mutaflor

Lactobacillus plantarum (Jarrow

Bifidobacteria infantis Align

Prokinetic: MotilPro by Pure Encapsulations. 

Vitamin-Electrolyte Blends Ageless Hydro-C

For bloating symptoms: Atrantil  (2 capsules with meals, diminishes bloating as well)


Antimicrobial Herbal Supplements.
Biotics: FC Cidal + Dysbiocide, 

Apex: GI Synergy, 

Metagenics: Candida BR + Candida AR



Bitter Herbs: 

AFNG (Byron White)

Digest (Standard Process) 


Butyrate Supplement

GAPS or Elemental diet (specifically for Crohn’s)

Ginger & Ginger Tea.


IB Guard


Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum 

Probiotics (soil-based)

Best probiotics for diarrhea/loose stools

Soil-based organisms Soil-based organisms (Prescript- Assist, 

Primal Probiotics,

Transient commensals, like MegaSporeBiotic

Saccharomyces boulardii (Jarrow, Floramyces Designs for Health



IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease)

Active Flare

AIP Diet, GAPS Diet, or Low FODMAP Diet

Antimicrobial Herbs
Candida AR

Candida BR


GI Synergy (Apex) * Must order through a practitioner


Dysbiocide (Biotics)

FC Cidal (Biotics)

Butyrate 3-4 g. like Body Bio 

FMT Fecal Microbiota Transplant

Probiotics (soil based) & Prebiotics

Soil Based: Prescript Assist or Primal Probiotics

Prebiotics  Sunfiber 


AIP Diet, GAPS Diet, or Low FODMAP Diet


BCM-95 (Xymogen) 


Theracurmin (Integrative Therapeutics 


Tegricel form best; 1.5 g/d (Designs for Health, use code DRLAURYNLAX at checkout) 


Liposomal form best; 2 tsp per day (Empirical Labs) 

Probiotics (soil based) & Prebiotics

Soil Based: Prescript Assist or Primal Probiotics

Prebiotics  Sunfiber 

Vitamin D (if low)

Aim for serum level of 40-60 ng/mL

Vitamin D (if low)

Aim for serum level of 40-60 ng/mL

Rosita Cod Liver Oil

Vitamin D (Vitamin D-Supreme by Designs for Health, use code DRLAURYNLAX at checkout)

Leaky Gut

  • Apple Cider Vinegar. Consume 1 tbsp. in 2-4 oz. of water with meals.
  • Butyrate Supplementation.
     Try: 1 dose Sodium-Potassium Butyrate (not Cal-Mag)

Best probiotics for diarrhea/loose stools

Soil-based organisms Soil-based organisms (Prescript- Assist, 

Primal Probiotics,

Transient commensals, like MegaSporeBiotic

Saccharomyces boulardii (Jarrow, Floramyces Designs for Health



Prebiotics  Sunfiber

Liver & Gallbladder Health

Liver/Gallbladder Support: Beta TCP (Pancreatic Enzymes)  or Beta Plus (Ox Bile) (if you’ve had gallbladder removed). Helps create bile (waste)

Ginger. Cleansing for the liver. Ginger Pro by Thorne Research or Ginger Extract

Livotrit (Biotics Research) Contains a blend of liver cleansing herbs: Andrographis, Berberis Aristata, Boehavia, Eclipta, Indian Barberry, Indian Tinospora, Milk Thistle, Picrorhiza, Saccharum Officinarum, Sugarcane, Tinospora Cordifolia.

Muscle Strain/Injury Healing

Turmeric Blend. Anti-inflammatory fighter.

Probiotics. Max absorption of nutrients you consume. 

Collagen Protein & Gelatin

Cod Liver Oil Healthy fatty acids to boost metabolism and regulate blood sugar or Vital Choice Fish Oil 

Mood Health 

Vitamin B12: 800 mcg–5 mg/day

DHA: Essential fatty acids boost brain health Vital Choice Fish Oil

HPA Balance (Vital Plan): Balance cortisol to support healthy hormones. 


Antimicrobial Herbs

Biotics: FC Cidal + Dysbiocide, 

Apex: GI Synergy, 

Metagenics: Candida BR + Candida AR


Interfase Plus –



Beta TCP or Beta Plus (if no gallbladder)

Beta TCP- 

Beta Plus 

Cod Liver Oil

Rosita Cod Liver Oil

Digestive Bitters

Bitter Herbs: 

AFNG (Byron White)

Digest (Standard Process) 


Digestive Enzymes

Digestezymes (use code DRLAURYNLAX to checkout)


Carbo G





Peppermint Oil
IB Guard

Prokinetic. Motilpro

Soil Based Probiotic

Soil Based: Prescript Assist or Primal Probiotics


Sleep Better

Sleep Remedy.
 A combo of Magnesium, Vitamin D and a proprietary sleep blend to stimulate the brain to relax. (don’t take melatonin or magnesium in addition to this)

Melatonin. Promotes bette sleep.

HPA Balance. Balances stress levels.  

Natural Calm. Magnesium Citrate plus Calcium relaxes body

Acetyl-CH (Apex Energetics) A calamine neuro-transmitter for imbalanced hormones, like cortisol, that influences mood and sleep.

Skin Health


Fresh renewed skin is yours. 

Collagen Protein

Vital Proteins 


OSsoGoodBones (use code THRIVE for 10% off)

Niacin (B3)

Prevents skin dryness and rashes.


Vitamin A

Cod Liver Oil 

Healthy fatty acids to boost metabolism and regulate blood sugar

Vitamin C

Hydration for the skin. Use short-term supplementation via 1000 mg of Liposomal Vitamin C (Empirical Labs, 

Seeking Health Liposomal formulas are more absorbable.


Vitamin K2.
Beneficial for preventing wrinkling and premature aging.

Vitamin E 

Skin healing from scars, breakouts and scabs. 


Skin hydration and tautness. 

Wards off acne flares. 


Soil Based Probiotic
Quality probiotics that are similar to the probiotics of our ancestors’ microbiome “back in the day”—once found rich in our soil, fruits and veggies. 

Necessary to absorb and “digest” your probiotics. 


Hydrochloric Acid or Apple Cider Vinegar. Metagest by Metagenics. Boost stomach acid. 

Digestive Enzymes
Helps break down foods you eat.


(Use code LAURYNLAX to be able to order)

Cod Liver Oil 

Anti-inflammatory, essential fatty acids, absorbable Vitamin A & D, non-rancid formula.
The result? Eased digestion, better brain power and energy.

The post The Ultimate Supplement Guide: How Not to Waste Your Money appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.

** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine **